Experimental Study of Antenna Patterns for On-board Antennas with Extremely Narrow Radiation Patterns
conformal antennas, longitudinal slit, partial dielectric loading, antennas with extremely narrow radiation patterns, excitation pinAbstract
The publication presents the results of an experimental study of antenna pattern (AP) for a slit cut in a rectangular waveguide with a cross section of 23 х 10 mm, which was excited by a pin in E- and H- planes at a frequency of 10 GHz. It was experimentally discovered that AP width in the E- plane was 84°. The AP level decreased to 20% in the directions ±90°. AP had a width of 54° in the H-plane. The AP level decreased to 5% in the directions ±90°. The experimental AP obtained in the E- and H- planes were consistent with the theoretically calculated ones, while the discrepancy did not exceed 7%. The publication includes as well the results of AP experimental study for a slit cut in a rectangular waveguide with a cross section of 23 х 10 mm, which was excited by a pin in E- and H- planes at a frequency of 7 GHz. Fluoroplastic plates (fluoroplast F4) were inserted into a rectangular waveguide near narrow walls, which sizes were: 79×10×2 mm (L×W×H) with a relative dielectric constant εr = 2. It was experimentally discovered that AP width was 72° in the E- plane, AP level decreased to 25% in the directions ±90°. For the H-plane 43°, AP level decreased to 7% in the directions ±90°. Partial loading with dielectric material when used in a rectangular waveguide makes it possible to reduce its geometrical sizes without changing the electrical ones.
The research results can be applied to design and develop on-board antennas with extremely narrow radiation patterns used for centimeter wavelength radio channels.
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