A Method for Restructuring Video Data in Compressed Coding Systems to Increase Reliability





video information resource, restructuring, quantitative feature, coding, reliability, communication channel


The subject of research in the article is the processing of video images using orthogonal transformation for data exchange in information and communication networks. The analysis of known algorithms for encoding video information with the active use of a statistical approach in data cod\-ing has been presented. The aim of the study is to develop a method for restructuring video information resource data in the compression coding systems for increasing information reliability. This will allow you to ensure the neutralizaon of the errors and avoid the destruction of video data during its reconstruction while maintaining the structural-statistical regularity and controlled loss of quality. The task of the article is to develop a method for restructuring information resource data using structural regularity in a binary sequence that specifies video information resource data; to analyze the effectiveness of the application of the developed method for restructuring video data by a quantitative attribute from the standpoint of creating conditions for additional reduction of the structural redundancy of code representation as well as to analyze the effectiveness of the application of the developed method of restructuring the information space from the standpoint of increasing reliability. The article presents a solution to the scientific problem that is aimed to develop methods for increasing reliability of compact video images in information and telecommunication networks of aero segment systems. As a result, the use of the developed method of restructuring video data based on the number of series of units makes it possible to create conditions for additional reduction in the structural redundancy of the code representation of information due to significant reduction of the power of the information space within which the data is encoded; the conditions are provided for localizing the effect of errors in the process of reconstructing video information resources; the conditions are created for reducing the time of data processing due to the fact that the developed method of data restructuring does not require transformations on message elements.



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How to Cite

Бараннік , В. В., Красноруцкий, А. О., Пасинчук , К. М., Бабенко , Ю. М., Степанко , О. С. and Тупица , І. М. (2022) “A Method for Restructuring Video Data in Compressed Coding Systems to Increase Reliability”, Visnyk NTUU KPI Seriia - Radiotekhnika Radioaparatobuduvannia, (88), pp. 50-59. doi: 10.20535/RADAP.2022.88.50-59.



Telecommunication, navigation, radar systems, radiooptics and electroacoustics

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