А Method of Coding Video Segments in Spectral-Cluster Space with Detection of Structural Features





aerial photographs, video data compression, information reliability, structural clustering, coding in spectral-cluster space, statistical redundancy


The directions for improving the efficiency of providing remote video services using the aviation info-communication segment in the process of support and decision-making in critical infrastructure systems are substantiated. It is justified that in order to localize or eliminate problematic aspects, it is necessary to apply technologies for reducing the bit intensity of the video stream. This will reduce the information load on the network and create conditions for the involvement of redundant code structures. Accordingly, it is necessary to integrate video data compression technologies for on-board systems. The effectiveness of clustering video segments in spectral space based on the structural feature of the number of series of units in the binary description of their components is substantiated. A method of statistical coding of transformants in structural space has been developed. The basic component here is the establishment of statistical dependencies within structural clusters, taking into account: local features of spectral components in their range based on structural features in their binary description; reduced power of the statistical space and increase the level of uneven distribution of the clustered components of the transformant. On the basis of the conducted experimental studies, it is shown that the use of the created method of encoding clustered transformants allows to increase the level of reliability of aerial photographs by the indicator of the peak signal/noise ratio by an average of 50%.



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How to Cite

Бараннік , В. В., Красноруцький , А. О., Колесник , В. О., Пчельніков , С. І., Бабенко , Ю. М. and Шейгас , О. М. (2022) “А Method of Coding Video Segments in Spectral-Cluster Space with Detection of Structural Features”, Visnyk NTUU KPI Seriia - Radiotekhnika Radioaparatobuduvannia, (90), pp. 21-30. doi: 10.20535/RADAP.2022.90.21-30.



Telecommunication, navigation, radar systems, radiooptics and electroacoustics