Conventional deconvolution in the Fourier transforms. The image degradation inverse matrix construction




image restoration, Hadamard transform, conventional deconvolution, accuracy, symbolic method of matrix inversion


Algorithm for symbolic formation of the multiple transformation matrix for the filter parameters matrix reduction to diagonal form is proposed in this paper. The distorted image is adjusted by this filter (degraded thru input device non-point impulse response). This leads it easy to find the correction filter parameters inverse matrix, which provides an opportunity to realize the image restoration by conditional deconvolution in the basis of Hadamard transform. Using the symbolic dependences in the matrices formation regarding to their tough structure allows significantly reducing the arithmetic operation number in the software implementation of method algorithms and to improve accuracy calculation. From the use of proposed correction matrix inversion method it becomes competitive (for speed) with the conventional deconvolution method in the Fourier transform. In contrast to the Fourier transform basis the solution of the conventional deconvolution problem on Hadamard transform basis for signals with first-order discontinuities (jumps) is more acceptable, since the Hadamard functions are jumplike themselves.

Author Biographies

  • A. I. Rybin, National Technical University of Ukraine, Kyiv Politechnic Institute, Kiev
    D. of Sci (Tech), Prof.
  • N. A. Ivanyuk, National Technical University of Ukraine, Kyiv Politechnic Institute, Kiev
    M.Sci, Postgraduate student


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Radio Circuits and Signals

How to Cite

“Conventional deconvolution in the Fourier transforms. The image degradation inverse matrix construction” (2012) Visnyk NTUU KPI Seriia - Radiotekhnika Radioaparatobuduvannia, (50), pp. 21–29. doi:10.20535/RADAP.2012.50.21-29.

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