Comparative analysis of the crystal-like and traditional microstrip structures efficiency




electromagnetic crystal, crystal-like inhomogeneity, 3D-simulation, microstrip filter


Introduction. Microstrip frequency selective devices are widely used in radio systems for various purposes. Crystal-like structures and devices that used for frequency selection of signals problems are described.
Crystal-like inhomogeneities. The types of inhomogeneities in microstrip devices are viewed. The limitations of the effectiveness of traditional microstrip structures are analyzed.
Electromagnetic crystals efficiency. The efficiency of the EC based on proposed inhomogeneities with traditional solutions based on microstrip line is compared. It is shown that by using three-dimensional inhomogeneities in the EC structure, area is reduced by 40%.
Comparison of the devices’ characteristics. On an example of the narrow-band filter efficiency of the proposed three-dimensional low-impedance EC-inhomogeneities from the side of the signal conductor with one-dimensional inhomogeneities of traditional microstrip line are compared. It is shown that the filter width reduced in half.
Conclusions. Using the proposed three-dimensional low-and high-impedance EC-inhomogeneities in the structure of EC increases its efficiency in comparison with traditional microstrip line. Thus, value of Tmin decreases from –43 dB to –73 dB for one of the considered ECs. The transition from single- and two-dimensional inhomogeneities to three-dimensional low-impedance inhomogeneities from the side of the signal conductor reduces the width of EC-filter twice.

Author Biography

  • A. I. Nazarko, National Technical University of Ukraine, Kyiv Politechnic Institute, Kiev
    Nazarko A. I.


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Functional Electronics. Micro- and Nanoelectronic Technology

How to Cite

“Comparative analysis of the crystal-like and traditional microstrip structures efficiency” (2014) Visnyk NTUU KPI Seriia - Radiotekhnika Radioaparatobuduvannia, (59), pp. 93–102. doi:10.20535/RADAP.2014.59.93-102.