QAM signal normalization by results of it demodulation with Kalman's error minimization




automatic gain control, AGC, quadrature amplitude modulation, QAM, demodulation, synchronization of the carrier signal, sync quadrature basis, minimizing errors by Kalman


Introduction. The processes of signal processing in the quadrature demodulator, and the problem of input signal AGC and carrier sync PLL are considered for a relatively high speed modulation conditions. Main part. The basic concepts of the simultaneously implementation of input signal AGC and carrier sync PLL in the QAM demodulator are formulated. Mathematical model of the process of normalization and synchronization pre-demodulated signal elements are designed. Optimal solution of the surveillance equation with minimizing errors by Kalman is found. Results of the implementation process of normalization and synchronization pre-demodulated signal elements in QAM demodulator signals on the example of recommendation ITU-T V.29 is presented. Problem of further research to determine the minimum sufficient number of pre-demodulated signal elements for the implementation of the developed technique is announced. Conclusions. It is shown that the described mathematic model of process of input signal AGC and reference basis PLL and its solution are providing reliable demodulation of QAM signals with high modulation speed and minimizing errors by Kalman.

Author Biographies

  • O. I. Pavlov, National Technical University of Ukraine, Kyiv Politechnic Institute, Kiev
    Pavlov O. I.
  • O. S. Zaharchenko, National Technical University of Ukraine, Kyiv Politechnic Institute, Kiev
    Zaharchenko O. S.


Перелік посилань

Pat. US8149964 B2, H03D 3/00. Symbol scaling with automatic gain control for wireless communication / Jonathan Sidi, Ketan N. Patel; Qualcomm, Incorporated, San Dlego, CA (US). — Apr. 3, 2012. — US Patent, pdfs/US8149964.pdf

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Pat. US20140198834 A1, H04L 7/00. Bit synchronizer for detecting symbol timing error for high order modulation using a trajectory mid-point rotation and related methods / Daniel Boritzki; Harris Corporation, Florida, (US). — Jun. 17, 2014. —

Pat. US6717462 B2, H03D 3/00. QPSK and 16 QAM self-generating synchronous direct downconversion demodulator / Kurt Loheit, James Cooper, Leah Burk, Suzanne Kubasek; The Boeing Company, Chicago, IL (US). — Apr. 6, 2004. — US Patent,

Pat. US4534026 A, H04J 3/06. Normalized error compensator for modems using radial amplitude modulation for multiplexing / Kenneth Martinez, William L. Betts; Paradyne Corporation (Largo, Florida). — Aug. 6, 1985. — US Patent,

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Recommendation V.29: 9600 bits per second modem standardized for use on point-to-point 4-wire leased telephone-type circuits. — електрон. дані. — режим доступу: — Назва з екрана.

Kalman R. E. A New Approach to Linear Filtering and Prediction Problems / Transactions of the ASME–Journal of Basic Engineering, 82 (Series D): 35-45. Copyright © 1960 by ASME.


Pat. US8149964 B2, H03D 3/00. Symbol scaling with automatic gain control for wireless communication / Jonathan Sidi, Ketan N. Patel; Qualcomm, Incorporated, San Dlego, CA (US). — Apr. 3, 2012. — US Patent, pdfs/US8149964.pdf

Lovrich A., Chirayil R. "An All-Digital Automatic Gain Control." Tech. Rep. SPRA081, Digital Signal Processor Products, Semiconductor Group, Texas Instruments. 1997. — TI Inc.,

Pat. US4574246 A, H03D 3/00. Demodulator with AGC circuit for multi-level quadrature amplitude-modulated carrier wave / Yasuharu Yoshida; Nec Corporation. (Tokyo, Japan). — Mar. 4, 1986. — US Patent, US4574246.pdf

Pat. US4683578 A, H04L 27/08. Automatic gain control using the extreme points of a constellation / William L. Betts, Edward S. Zuranski; Paradyne Corporation (Largo, Florida). — Jul. 28, 1987. — US Patent, US4683578.pdf

Pat. US20140198834 A1, H04L 7/00. Bit synchronizer for detecting symbol timing error for high order modulation using a trajectory mid-point rotation and related methods / Daniel Boritzki; Harris Corporation, Florida, (US). — Jun. 17, 2014. —

Pat. US6717462 B2, H03D 3/00. QPSK and 16 QAM self-generating synchronous direct downconversion demodulator / Kurt Loheit, James Cooper, Leah Burk, Suzanne Kubasek; The Boeing Company, Chicago, IL (US). — Apr. 6, 2004. — US Patent,

Pat. US4534026 A, H04J 3/06. Normalized error compensator for modems using radial amplitude modulation for multiplexing / Kenneth Martinez, William L. Betts; Paradyne Corporation (Largo, Florida). — Aug. 6, 1985. — US Patent,

Pavlov O. I. Optymizatsiia demoduliatora QAM syhnaliv / O. I. Pavlov, O. S. Zakharchenko // Visnyk Natsionalnoho tekhnichnoho universytetu Ukrainy «KPI»: Radiotekhnika. Radioaparatobuduvannia. — 2014. — № 57. — C. 13-22.

Recommendation V.29: 9600 bits per second modem standardized for use on point-to-point 4-wire leased telephone-type circuits:

Kalman R. E. A New Approach to Linear Filtering and Prediction Problems / Transactions of the ASME–Journal of Basic Engineering, 82 (Series D): 35-45. Copyright © 1960 by ASME.





Radio Circuits and Signals

How to Cite

“QAM signal normalization by results of it demodulation with Kalman’s error minimization” (2015) Visnyk NTUU KPI Seriia - Radiotekhnika Radioaparatobuduvannia, (61), pp. 30–39. doi:10.20535/RADAP.2015.61.30-39.