Study of capabilities of unmanned aerial vehicle sound location in the tasks of the monitoring of terroristic threats


  • V. V. Orlov National Academy of State Border Service of Ukraine
  • M. I. Lysyi National Academy of State Border Service of Ukraine
  • V. A. Sivak National Academy of State Border Service of Ukraine
  • D. A. Kuprienko National Academy of State Border Service of Ukraine
  • V. M. Kulchytcskyi National Academy of State Border Service of Ukraine
  • A. B. Dobrovolskyi National Academy of State Border Service of Ukraine



moving object, unmanned aerial vehicle, sound location, time delay, Doppler frequency, fast Fourier transform


Introduction. The article is devoted to the research of sound location systems of unmanned aerial vehicles that are protected from means of radio electronic warfare for monitoring the terrorist threats. In the work the sound location system is proposed for detection of moving objects that is made with the help of a sensors network placed in space.
Research results. The main difference from the existing sound location systems is the determination of the time delay not by the mutual correlation function, but by the mutual function of the signals uncertainty between the sensors. However, the application of the method of the mutual function of uncertainty is limited only to the definition of characteristics for the one-purpose situation, it means it is impossible to estimate the coordinates in case of two targets, and accordingly, in the multi-purpose situation, during the attack of a large number of unmanned aerial vehicles. Also, there is a computational complexity of processing the broadband signals in time, spectral and Doppler spheres. If for fixed targets it’s sufficient to process in the spectral-time sphere on the basis of a fast Fourier transform, then for mobile targets, additional multichannel processing of the Doppler frequencies is required. Since the number of Doppler channels is comparable to the size of the sample, that’s why the computing costs increase substantially in several times, so for real-time sound system operation it is expedient to develop software with parallel programming, Openmp library, graphics card with vector and matrix data processing, GPU NVIDIA based on CUDA technology. This will accelerate the execution of operations approximately by 30 times and ensure the implementation of systems on laptops.
Conclusions. The conducted analysis of the sound location system showed the potential possibilities of determining the coordinates of unmanned aerial vehicles and other moving objects in a three-dimensional space with an accuracy that is sufficient for further support of the targets by means of visual observation.

Author Biographies

  • V. V. Orlov , National Academy of State Border Service of Ukraine

    Orlov V. V., Cand. of Sci (Techn)

  • M. I. Lysyi , National Academy of State Border Service of Ukraine

    Lysyi M. I., Cand. of Sci (Techn), Asoc. Prof.

  • V. A. Sivak , National Academy of State Border Service of Ukraine

    Sivak V. A., Cand. of Sci (Techn), Asoc. Prof.

  • D. A. Kuprienko , National Academy of State Border Service of Ukraine

    Kuprienko D. A., Doc. of Sci (Millitary), Asoc. Prof.

  • V. M. Kulchytcskyi , National Academy of State Border Service of Ukraine

    Kulchytcskyi V. M., Cand. of Sci (Techn)

  • A. B. Dobrovolskyi, National Academy of State Border Service of Ukraine

    Dobrovolskyi A. B., Cand. of Sci (Techn)


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Telecommunication, navigation, radar systems, radiooptics and electroacoustics

How to Cite

“Study of capabilities of unmanned aerial vehicle sound location in the tasks of the monitoring of terroristic threats” (2019) Visnyk NTUU KPI Seriia - Radiotekhnika Radioaparatobuduvannia, (79), pp. 24–32. doi:10.20535/RADAP.2019.79.24-32.