Reliability Improvement of Printed Circuit Boards by Designing Methods for Solder Joint Technical Diagnostics with Application of Acoustic Emission Method




solder joint, printed circuit board, technical diagnostics, electronic component, acoustic emission, tensile test, pure bending


The paper represents technical diagnostics of printed circuit boards in particular their solder joints performed by commonly used through-hole and surface mount technologies. Operation and technology cause mechanical interactions and forces between substrate of printed circuit board and electronic components. Such tensile, shear, bending or torque forces transmit through the contact joints, which appear to be the weakest links in the assembly. The experimental research was conducted by mechanical tensile and pure bending tests followed by using method of acoustic emission. Conducted tests demonstrated considerable sensitivity and applicability for the method of acoustic emission to detect defects and possibly to assess the ultimate strength of solder joints in nondestructive diagnostics performed under forces long before the final failure. In order to minimize errors while measuring small loads in tensile tests of ceramic capacitors the special appliance was designed. The experiment was conducted to verify the overheating effect to ultimate load of the solder joints. Surface mount technology for ceramic capacitors has been optimized by introducing high temperature preheating mode that improves adherence to the contact pads and increases tensile strength, what was also confirmed by acoustic emission analysis. The pure bending appliance was designed to provide instant monitoring of all solder joints by equal testing stress. By conducted pulsing test cycles the total count was identified as the most informative parameter of acoustic emission that correlates with types of defects and ultimate strength of the solder joints. The planar location model has been developed by the idea of remote detection of acoustic emission through the volume of homogeneous medium such as water, unlike detecting acoustic emission on the surface of printed circuit board where acoustic emission signal is likely to be distorted or even lost. Using method of acoustic emission and pure bending cycling test the method for technical diagnostics of solder joints has been designed. The results represented in the paper contribute to design and technology improvement in radio-electronics.

Author Biographies

  • I. I. Kovtun, Khmelnytskyi National University

    Kovtun I. I., Cand. of Sci (Techn), Assoc. Prof.  

  • J. M. Boiko, Khmelnytskyi National University

    Boiko J.M.

  • S. A. Petrashchuk, Khmelnytskyi National University

    Petrashchuk S. A., Cand. of Sci (Techn), Assoc. Prof.


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Designing of Radio Equipment

How to Cite

“Reliability Improvement of Printed Circuit Boards by Designing Methods for Solder Joint Technical Diagnostics with Application of Acoustic Emission Method” (2019) Visnyk NTUU KPI Seriia - Radiotekhnika Radioaparatobuduvannia, (79), pp. 60–70. doi:10.20535/RADAP.2019.79.60-70.