Дво- та багатодіапазонні рупорні опромінювачі дзеркальних антен


  • Ф.Ф. Дубровка Національний технічний університет України “Київський політехнічний інститут” http://orcid.org/0000-0002-3485-6822
  • Ю. А. Овсяник Національний технічний університет України “Київський політехнічний інститут” http://orcid.org/0000-0001-8931-5612



Ключові слова:

коаксіальний рупор, багатомодовий рупор, гофрований рупор, рупор з частковим діелектричним заповненням


Дубровка Ф.Ф., Овсяник Ю.А.

Подано огляд дво- та багатодіапазонних опромінювачів дзеркальних антен, а саме: коаксіальних, багатомодових та гофрованих рупорів, а також рупорів з частковим діелектричним заповненням

Біографії авторів

  • Ф.Ф. Дубровка, Національний технічний університет України “Київський політехнічний інститут”
    Дубровка Ф.Ф., д.т.н., проф. кафедри теоретичних основ радіотехніки
  • Ю. А. Овсяник, Національний технічний університет України “Київський політехнічний інститут”
    Овсяник Ю. А., асистент кафедри теоретичних основ радіотехніки


Ittipiboon A. A Dual-Band Horn Feed with Inherent Isolation Between its Transmit and Recieve Ports / A. Ittipiboon, F. Hyjazie, L. Shafai, E. Bridges // Antennas and Propagation Society International Symposium. - 1983. - Vol. 21. - P. 582 - 585.

Kim C. S. Dual Band Coaxial Feedhorn Design / C. S. Kim // Antennas and Propagation Society International Symposium. - 1990. - Vol. 2. - P. 952 - 955.

Profera C. E. Improvement of TE11 Mode Coaxial Waveguide and Horn Radiation Patterns by Incorporation of a Radial Aperture Reactance / C. E. Profera // IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation. - 1976. - Vol. 24, № 2. - P. 203 - 206.

Ломан В. И. Облучающие системы многодиапазонных зеркальных антенн кос-мических линий связи / В. И. Ломан, Л. В. Бондарь , С. Ю. Мазор // Зарубежная радиоэ-лектроника. - 1984. - № 8. - С. 48 - 63.

Wideband Multiplexing Antenna Feed Employing Cavity Backed Wing Dipoles: patent 4042935 US: Int. Cl. H 01 Q 9/16, H 01 Q 21/26 / Ajioka J.S., Tsuda G. I. - № 620896; Filed: 8.10.1975; Date of patent: 16.08.1977. - 14 p.

Potter P. A New Horn Antenna With Suppressed Sidelobes And Equal Beamwidths / P. Potter // Jet Propulsion Lab., report № JPL-TR-32-354; NASA-CR-50625. - Feb 25, 1963.

Dual Mode Feed Horn or Horn Antenna for Two or More Frequency Bands: patent 0136818 EU: Int. Cl. H 01 Q 25/04, H 01 Q 13/02 / Knop C. M., Ostertag E. L. - № 84305895.9; Filed: 06.09.1983; Date of patent: 10.04.1985. - 22 p.

Small Dual Frequency Band, Dual Mode Feed Horn: pat. 4442437 US: Int. Cl. H 01 Q 13/06 / Chu T., England R. W. - № 342058; Filed: 25.01.1982; Date of pat.: 10.04.1984. 6 p.

Configurable Ku-Band Receiver for Satellite Antenna Feed: patent 4910527 US: Int. Cl. H01Q13/02 / Dushane S., Luly R. № 303915; Filed: 30.01.1989; Date of pat.: 20.03.1990. - 10 p.

Gruner R. W. A 4-and 6-GHZ, prime focus, CP feed with circular pattern symmetry / R. W. Gruner // Antennas and Propagation Society Intern. Symp. - 1974. - V. 12. - P. 72 - 74.

Gruner R. W. Dual-Band/Wide-Illumination-Angle Feed Horns with Low Off-axis Cross Polarization / R. W. Gruner, J. D. Hazelwood // Antennas and Propagation Society International Symposium. - 1990. - Vol. 2. - P. 956 - 959.

Kumar A. Experimental investigation of a dual-band feed / A. Kumar // Int. J. Electronics. - 1979. - Vol. 47, № 3. - P. 279 - 284.

High Radiation Efficient Dual Band Feed Horn: pat. 6642900 B2 US: Int. Cl. H 01 Q 13/02 / Bhattacharyya A., Roper D. - № 09/957954; Filed: 21.09.2001; Date of pat.: 04.11.2003. - 8 p.

High Radiation Efficient Dual Band Feed Horn: pat. 6967627 B2 US: Int. Cl. H 01 Q 13/ 02/ Bhattacharyya A., Roper D. №10/676763; Filed: 10.01.2003; Date of pat.: 22.11.2005 - 8 p.

Multi-Step Circular Horn System: pat. US6384795 B1 US: Int. Cl.H01Q13/00/ Bhat-tacharyya A., Goyette G. № 09/666203; Filed: 21.09.2000; Date of patent: 07.05.2002. - 4 p.

Dual Band Hybrid Offset Reflector Antenna System: patent 6774861 B2 US: Int. Cl. H 01 Q 13/00 / Choung Y. H., Simkins G. H. - № 10/174683; Filed: 19.06.2002; Date of patent: 10.08.2004. - 15 p.

Deguchi H. A Compact Low-Cross-Polarization Horn Antenna with Serpentine-Shaped Taper / H. Deguchi, M. Tsuji, H. Shigesawa // Antennas and Propagation Society International Symposium. - 2001. - Vol.2. - P. 320 - 323.

Deguchi H. Dual-Band Serpentine-Shaped Horn with Low Cross Polarization / H. Deguchi, T. Goto, M. Tsuji, H. Shigesawa // Antennas and Propagation Society International Symposium. - 2002. - V. 1. - P. 658 - 661.

Deguchi H. Circular-Coverage Beam Multimode Horn / H. Deguchi, M. Tsuji, H. Shigesawa // Proc. of 2005 5th Intern. Conf. on Antenna Theory and Techn. - 2005. P. 46-49.

Multi-Mode Horn: patent US 6411263 B1 US: Int. Cl. H 01 Q 13/00 / Neilson J. M. - № 09/675449; Filed: 28.09.2000; Date of patent: 26.06.2002. - 7 p.

Carpenter E. Dual-Band Smooth-Wall Conical Horn with Low Cross-Polarization / E. Carpenter // Antennas and Propagation Society Intern. Symp. - 1984. - Vol. 22. - P. 591 - 594.

Potter P. D. A New Horn Antenna with Suppressed Sidelobes and Equal Beamwidths / P. D. Potter // Microwawe Journal. - 1963. - Vol. 6. - P. 71 - 78.

Granet C. A compact, prime-focus, dual-band coaxial horn for the giant meter-wave radio telescope (GMRT, India) / C. Granet, I. M. Davis, T. S. Bird // Proceedings Workshop on Applications of Radio Science (WARS). - 10th-12th February 2008.

Granet C. A Dual-Band S/X Prime-Focus Feed System for the Parkes Radio Telescope / C. Granet, I. Davis//10th Australian Symp.on Antennas, Sydney, Australia.-14-15 Feb. 2007.

Granet C. A dual-band feed system for the Parkes radio telescope/C. Granet, H. Zhang et al. // Antennas and Propagation Society International Symposium. 2001. V.2. P. 296-299.

Granet C. The designing, manufacturing, and testing of a dual-band feed system for the Parkes radio telescope / C. Granet, H. Z. Zhang et al. // IEEE Antennas and Propagation Magazine. - 2005. - V. 47, № 3. - P. 13 - 19.

Granet C. Design of a Prime-Focus Dual Band Feed for the Giant Metre-Wave Radio Telescope in India / C. Granet, T. S. Bird, I. M. Davis, A. R. Forsyth // 9th Australian Symposium on Antennas; Sydney, NSW. CSIRO ICT Centre. - 2005.

Hopfer S. The design of ridged waveguides / S. Hopfer // IEEE Transactions on Microwave Theory and Techniques. - 1955. - Vol. 3, № 5. - P. 20-29.

Henderson R.I. Compact Circularly-Polarised Coaxial Feed / R. I. Henderson, P. J. Richards // IEE International Conference on Antennas and Propagation - 1995. - P. 327 - 330.

The S/X-band feed for the Tasmanian Earth Resources Satellite Station (TERSS) / The CSIRO ICT Centre, Innovative ICT transforming Australian industries. - http://www.ict.csiro.au/page.php?did=99.

James G. The S/X-Band Feed for the Earth Resources Satellite Station (TERSS) / G. James, P. Clark, G. Graves, T. Bird // Journal of Electrical and Electronics Engineering. - 1995. - V. 15, № 4. - P. 307 - 314.

Skobelev S. Modal solutions in dual-depth longitudinally corrugated waveguides for design of dual-band 20/30 GHz hard horns / S. Skobelev, P.-S. Kildal // Antennas and Propagation Society International Symposium. - 2006. - P. 1211 - 1214.

Skobelev S. P. On One Approach to Creation of Dual-Band Hard Horn / S. Skobelev // Proceedings of 2005 5th Intern. Conf. on Antenna Theory and Techn. - 2005. - P. 198 - 201.

Sotoudeh O. Multimode Hard Horn Antennas with Partly Corrugated Walls for 20/30 GHz Dual-Reflector Antennas With Multiple Beams -Full 3D Simulations and Measurements /O. Sotoudeh, P. Kildal, P. Ingvarson, S. Skobelev//Proc. EuCAP 2006,Nice,France.2006.P.5.

Sotoudeh O. Single- and dual-band multimode hard horn antennas with partly corrugated walls / O. Sotoudeh, P.-S. Kildal, P. Ingvarson, S. P. Skobelev // IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation. - 2006. - Vol. 54, № 2, part 1. - P. 330 - 339.

Kildal P.-S. Special Issue on Artificial Magnetic Conductors, Soft/Hard Surfaces, and Other Complex Surfaces / P.-S. Kildal, A. A. Kishk, S. Maci // IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation. - 2005. - Vol. 53, № 1, Part 1. - P. 2 - 7.

Horn Radiator for Spherical Reflector: patent 3055004 US: Int. Cl. H 01 Q 13/00 / Cutler C. C. - № 781278; Filed: 18.12.1958; Date of patent: 18.09.1962. - 4 p.

Wide Angel Horn Feed Closely Spaced to Main Reflector: patent 3216018 US: Int. Cl. H 01 Q 13/00 / Kay A.F. - № 230802; Filed: 12.10.1962; Date of patent: 02.11.1965. - 16 p.

Wide Angel Horn Feed Closely Spaced to Main Reflector: pat. 3274603 US: Int. Cl. H 01 Q 13/00 / Kay A.F. - № 270330; Filed: 03.04.1963; Date of pat.: 20.09.1966. - 9 p.

Rumsey V. Horn Antennas with Uniform Power Patterns Around Their Axes / V. Rumsey // IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation. 1966. V. 14, № 5. P. 656 - 658.

Minnett H. A Method of Synthesizing Radiation Patterns with Axial Symmetry / H. Minnett, D. Thomas // IEEE Trans. on Antennas and Propagation. 1966. V. 14, № 5. P. 654-656.

Dual Band Feed with Integrated Mode Transducer: patent 6005528 US: Int. Cl. H 01 Q 13/00 / Preiss J. A., Geyh E. A., Beltran F. - № 08/804417; Filed: 20.02.1997; Date of patent: 21.12.1999. - 7 p.

Olver A. Propagation and radiation behavior of dual-depth corrugated horns/A. Olver, K. Yang, P. Clarricoats // Proc. Inst. Elect. Eng., pt. H. - 1984. - V. 131, № 3. - P. 179 - 185.

Carpenter E. A dual-band corrugated feed horn / E. Carpenter // Antennas and Propagation Society International Symposium. - 1980. - Vol. 18. - P. 213 - 216.

Multi-Band Coaxial Ring-Focus Antenna with Co-Located Subreflectors: patent 6937201 B2 US: Int. Cl. H 01 Q 13/00 / Gothard G. K., Kralovec J. A., Ortiz S. C., Durham T. E. - № 10/703257; Filed: 07.11.2003; Date of patent: 30.08.2005. - 10 p.

Coaxial Horn Antenna System: pat. 6982679 B2 US: Int. Cl. H01Q13/00 /Kralovec J., Gothard G., Durham T. - № 10/694469; Filed: 27.10.2003; Date of pat.: 03.01.2006. - 8 p.

James G. L. A Dual-Band Feed System / G. L. James, P. R. Clark // Eighth International Conference on Antennas and Propagation. - 1993. - Vol. 2. - P. 784 - 787.

Narasimhan M. Propagation And Radiation Characteristics of Dielectric Loaded Corrugated Dual-Frequency Circular Waveguide Horn Feeds / M. Narasimhan, M. Sheshadri // IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation. - 1979. - Vol. 27, № 6. - P. 858 - 860.

Chen J. C. X/Ka-band dual frequency horn design / J. C. Chen, P. H. Stanton // Antennas and Propagation Society International Symposium. - 1994. - Vol. 2. - P. 990 - 993.

Milligan T. Compact Dual Band Feed for Mars Global Surveyor / T. Milligan // Antennas and Propagation Society International Symposium. - 1995. - Vol. 1. - P. 144 - 147.

Дводіапазонна Антенна Система Типу “Металдіелектрична Структура в Гоф-рованому Рупорі”: pat. 26149 UA: Int. Cl. H01Q13/02/Дубровка Ф.Ф., Дубровка Р.Ф., Ро-спопа Я.О. - № a 2007 03402; Filed: 29.03.2007; Date of pat.: 10.09.2007. - 7 p.

Dual-Band Combiner for Horn Antenna: patent 4199764 US: Int. Cl. H 01 Q 13/00 / Williams W., Frosch R., Cohn S. - № 8207; Filed: 31.01.1979; Date of pat.: 22.04.1980. - 4 p.

Mulitfrequency Broadband Polarized Horn Antenna: pat.4258366 US: Int.Cl. H01 Q13/00 / Green K., Frosch R. - № 8209; Filed: 02.05.2001; Date of pat.: 24.03.1981. - 12 p.

Branching Filter: pat. 4052724 US: Int. Cl. H01Q13/02, H01P5/12 / Taceichi Y., Ha-shimoto T., Takeda F., Katagi T.-№ 723654; Filed: 15.09.1976; Date of pat.: 4.10.1977. - 5 p.

Mulit-Band Antenna System Supporting Multiple Communication Services: pat. US 6937203 B2 US: Int. Cl. H 01 Q 13/00 / Rao S., Wang G., Fink G.. - № 10/714421; Filed: 14.11.2003; Date of pat.: 30.08.2005. - 29 p.

Dual-Band Satellite Communication Antenna Feed: pat. 6720933 B2 US: Int. Cl. H01 Q 13/00, H04B 1/52 / Hanlin J., Chang Y., Holden R. Filed: 10.12.2002; Date of pat.: 13.04.2004. - 19 p.

Ka/Ku Dual Band Feed Horn and Orthomode Transduce (OMT): pat. US2002/ 0175875 A1 US: Int. Cl. H 01 Q 13/00 / Verstraeten G. - № 10/031960; Filed: 02.05.2001; Date of pat.: 28.11.2002. - 18 p.

Multi-Band Antenna Feed with Switchable Shared I/O Ports: pat. 5635944 US: Int. Cl. H01Q13/00, H01P1/213 /Weinstein H., Baird J., Anderson B. - № 357904; Filed: 15.12.1994; Date of pat.: 03.06.1997. - 15 p.

Geen D. Wide flare-angle horn antenna with means for radiating low levels of crosspolarisation in two widely separated frequency bands / D. Geen, D. Smith // Antennas and Propagation Society International Symposium. - 1996. - Vol. 3. - P. 2026 - 2029.

Clarricoats P. J. B. Antennas employing conical dielectric horn. Part 1-Propagation and radiation characteristics of dielectric cones / P. Clarricoats, C. Salema // Proc. Inst. Elec. Eng. - 1973. - V. 120 - P. 741-749.

Clarricoats P. Antennas employing conical dielectric horn. Part 2-The Cassegrain antenna / P. Clarricoats, C. Salema // Proc. Inst. Elec. Eng. - 1973. - Vol. 120 - P. 760 - 766.

Dielectrically-loaded horns have almost constant phase centre, high return loss, low cross-polarisation and good sidelobe characteristics over a very wide frequency range. The beamwidth changes arginally with frequency / The CSIRO ICT Centre, Innovative ICT transforming Australian industries. - http://www.ict.csiro.au/page.php?did=98.

Bird T. A close-packed dielectric-loaded horn array for 60 GHz / T. Bird, D. Hayman, A. Foryth et al. // Asia Pacific Microwave Conf., Taipei, Taiwan. 2001. V.3 - P. 1362 -1365.

Clark P. Ultra-Widebend Hybrid-Mode Feeds / P. Clark, G. James // Electron. Letters. - 1995. - V. 31, № 23. - P. 1968 - 1969.

James G. Design of wide-band compact corrugated horns / G. James // IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation. - 1984. - Vol. 32, № 10. - P. 1134 – 1138.

Lier E. A Dielectric Hybrid Mode Antenna Feed: A Simple Alternative to the Corrugated Horn / E. Lier // IEEE Trans. on AP. - 1986. - V. AP-34, № 1. - P. 21 - 29.

Bird T. S. Design and Practice of Reflector Antennas and Feed Systems in the 1990’s / T. S. Bird, G. L. James // Review of Radio Science 1996-1999. - 1999. - UK, Oxford University Press.-Chapter 4.

James G. Diplexing feed assemblies for application to dual-reflector antennas / G. L. James, P. R. Clark, K. J. Greene // IEEE Trans. on AP. - 2003. - V. 51, № 5. - P. 1024 – 1029.

Dubrovka F. F. Recent progress in development of multiband feed horns (Review) / F. F. Dubrovka, R. F. Dubrovka, Yu. A. Ovsianyk, Ya. O. Rospopa // 2007 6th International Conference on Antenna Theory and Techniques. - 2007. - P. 44 - 50.

Дводіапазонна Комбінована Антенна Система: pat. 26150 UA: Int. Cl. H 01 Q 13/02 / Дубровка Ф. Ф., Дубровка Р. Ф., Овсяник Ю. А., Роспопа Я. О. - № a 2007 03406; Filed: 29.03.2007; Date of pat.: 10.09.2007. - 11 p.

Dubrovka F.F. A Novel Multiband Coaxial Feed System with Low Cross-Polar Radiation / F. F. Dubrovka, R. F. Dubrovka, Yu. A. Ovsianyk // The Second European Conference on Antennas and Propagation. - 2007. - P. 1 - 4.

Багатодіапазонна коаксіальна рупорна система: pat. 26151 UA: Int. Cl. H 01 Q 13/02 / Дубровка Ф.Ф., Дубровка Р.Ф., Овсяник Ю.А. - № a 2007 03407; Filed: 29.03.2007; Date of pat.: 10.09.2007. - 8 p.







Як цитувати

“Дво- та багатодіапазонні рупорні опромінювачі дзеркальних антен” (2009) Вісник НТУУ "КПІ". Серія Радіотехніка, Радіоапаратобудування, (38), pp. 130–147. doi:10.20535/RADAP.2009.38.130-147.

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