Evaluation of the economic efficiency of maintenance and repair of the subsystems of regional radioelectronic complex system





maintenance, repair, cost-efficiency, planning and preventative maintenance, emergency repair works


Introduction. In the paper the problem of assessing the economic efficiency of the strategies of maintenance the regional radioelectronic complex system, on the example, of base stations cellular network which are placed at a considerable distance from the service center is carried out. The description of the typical strategy of maintenance of the base stations cellular network. The description of the typical strategy of the maintenance of the base stations of cellular network, which includes realization of the one maintenance crews the repair works and planned preventative maintenance been made. The construction of the model of process of maintenance of the subsystems of regional radioelectronic complex system as a system of differential equations Kolmogorov - Chapman. The development of the mathematical model of the maintenance of base stations cellular network as a system of differential equations Kolmogorov - Chapman is carried out. The process of maintenance is represented as a queuing system. The formation of expression for the average unit cost that per unit time spent of the regional radioelectronic complex system in working condition. To assess the cost-effectiveness of maintenance of base stations of cellular network, the formula average unit costs, which account for repairing works, planned preventative maintenance and three-stage process of maintenance is built. Evaluation of the economic efficiency of maintenance strategy. Based on the developed mathematical models and formulas calculating the average unit costs the dependence of availability factor of regional radioelectronic complex system and average unit costs on the frequency of the maintenance is obtained. Based on the results, evaluation of economic efficiency of maintenance strategy is carried out. Conclusion. In this paper the cost-effectiveness of maintenance and repair of the subsystems of regional radioelectronic complex system is assessed . The method of obtaining the formulas for calculating the average unit costs, per unit of time spent of regional radioelectronic complex system in working condition, which take into account multi-stage process of maintenance is developed.

Author Biographies

B. A. Mandziy, Lviv Polytechnic National University, Lviv

Bohdan Mandziy, DSc, Professor

B. Y. Volochiy, Lviv Polytechnic National University, Lviv

Bogdan Volochiy, DSc, Professor

S. I. Gnativ, Lviv branch of "Kyivstar", Lviv

Svyatoslav  Gnativ, Head of Fixed communications

L. D. Ozirkovskyy, Lviv Polytechnic National University, Lviv

Leonid Ozirkovskyy, PhD. Associated Professor

I. V. Kulyk, Lviv Polytechnic National University, Lviv

Igor Kulyk, Assistant



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How to Cite

Мандзій, Б., Волочій, Б., Гнатів, С., Озірковський, Л. and Кулик, І. (2013) “Evaluation of the economic efficiency of maintenance and repair of the subsystems of regional radioelectronic complex system”, Visnyk NTUU KPI Seriia - Radiotekhnika Radioaparatobuduvannia, 0(54), pp. 160-170. doi: 10.20535/RADAP.2013.54.160-170.



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