Wideband bioimpedance meter with the adaptive selection of frequency grid





bioimpedance meter, functional state, frequency grid, wideband measurements, biomedical device, frequency response, phase response


Introduction. For the diagnosis of functional state and structure of biological objects with weakly expressed irregularities it is important quickly and accurately to determine the amplitude- and phase-frequency characteristics. Therefore, the purpose of the article is a representation of the results of the development of biological objects high-speed impedance meter with the ability to select adaptive grid measuring frequencies in the extended band.
Structure of the impedance meter. Developed instrument is designed to measure the impedance of the object on four-electrode method. The device uses a frequency synthesizer amplitude-phase detector integrally fabricated and active electrodes, by which the voltage controlled current source and the input buffer amplifiers with low input capacitance, are located in close proximity to the studied bioobject. This allowed to make measurements at frequencies up to 5 MHz.
Instruments characteristics. To test the device characteristics the frequency characteristics of the test object (RC-chain) impedance were measured. It is composed of 5 precision resistors and capacitors. Parameters of the elements were measured preliminarily by laboratory inductance, capacitance and resistance meter E7-12. The dependence of the measurement errors of the developed device in the frequency range from 1 kHz to 5 MHz is not more than 5% of the modulus of the impedance and not more than 2° of the phase.

Author Biographies

  • V. S. Mosiychuk, National Technical University of Ukraine, Kyiv Politechnic Institute, Kiev
    Cand. of Sci. (Techn.), Asoc. Prof.
  • G. V. Timoshenko, National Technical University of Ukraine, Kyiv Politechnic Institute, Kiev
    M.S., Postgraduate student
  • O. B. Sharpan, National Technical University of Ukraine, Kyiv Politechnic Institute, Kiev
    Doc. of Sci. (Techn.), Prof.


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Information about completed design

How to Cite

“Wideband bioimpedance meter with the adaptive selection of frequency grid” (2014) Visnyk NTUU KPI Seriia - Radiotekhnika Radioaparatobuduvannia, (57), pp. 143–148. doi:10.20535/RADAP.2014.57.143-148.

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