Modifikation of iteration algorithm for computing the surface conductivities increments solving the inverse problem of electrical impedance tomography




Electrical Impedance Tomography, conductivity zones method, regularization, derivative matrix, phantom, inverse problem, accuracy, matrix conditionality


Introduction. The replacement algorithms of regularization iterative procedure by A. Tykhonov with iterative procedure with logarithmic step and not iterative calculation of inverse matrix are proposed. The matrix is based on matrices of derivatives from contour voltages on zones surface conductivities.
The results. The results are illustrated by examples of calculations. The inhomogeneities in the form of zones and with arbitrary shape were simulated. The computation results and results of reconstruction are identical with accuracy to the 11th significant digit for inhomogeneities in the form of zones. Defying the inhomogeneity with arbitrary shape its character and location are maintained and there is a certain "spread" in the neighboring area.
Conclusions. The proposed algorithms are easily programmed and provide high accuracy and good convergence of iterative procedure of image reconstruction from projections. Besides the algorithms significantly reduce number of arithmetic operations and computation time on PC.

Author Biography

  • I. O. Sushko, National Technical University of Ukraine, Kyiv Politechnic Institute, Kiev
    Postgraduate student


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Computing methods in radio electronics

How to Cite

“Modifikation of iteration algorithm for computing the surface conductivities increments solving the inverse problem of electrical impedance tomography” (2014) Visnyk NTUU KPI Seriia - Radiotekhnika Radioaparatobuduvannia, (57), pp. 23–34. doi:10.20535/RADAP.2014.57.23-34.

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