Research of Direct Digital Correlative-Interferometric Radio Direction Finder with Double Correlation-convolutional Processing




optimization, direct digital method of correlative-interferometric direction-finding, double correlation-convolutional processing


Introduction. In this article the unsettled part of the general problem of the research of direct digital methods of correlative-interferometric direction-finding was solved. The purpose of the article is to optimize the direction-finding of the direct digital correlative-interferometric radio direction finder with double correlation-convolutional processing by its exactness.
Fundamentals of researches. As a result of the conducted researches it was defined that the basic parameter of equalization of dispersion of error of estimation of direction on the source of radio radiation for the explored radio direction finder, which ought to be optimized, is the size of frequency converting change.
Optimization. It was conducted the parametrical optimization of the direct digital correlative-interferometric radio direction finder with double correlation-convolutional processing by its exactness. As a result of the modelling the dependence of middle quadratic deflection of estimation of direction from the relation of signal/noise for the different possible values of circular frequency converting shift was obtained.
Conclusions. The analytical calculations and the results of the modelling fully coincided, that confirmed the rightness of the researches and the authenticity of the results of optimization.

Author Biographies

  • V. V. Tsyporenko, Zhytomyr State Technological University, Zhytomy
    Tsyporenko V. V.
  • V. G. Tsyporenko, Zhytomyr State Technological University, Zhytomy
    Tsyporenko V. G.


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Telecommunication, navigation, radar systems, radiooptics and electroacoustics

How to Cite

“Research of Direct Digital Correlative-Interferometric Radio Direction Finder with Double Correlation-convolutional Processing” (2016) Visnyk NTUU KPI Seriia - Radiotekhnika Radioaparatobuduvannia, (65), pp. 51–61. doi:10.20535/RADAP.2016.65.51-61.

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