Scattering of Optical Pulses by Add-Drop Filters on Dielectric Microresonators




dielectric microresonator, scattering, pulse, Add-Drop filter, Double-channel SCISSOR, Twisted Double-channel SCISSOR


We consider a system of ring microresonators with whispering gallery oscillations of ultrahigh-Q, which are widely used to construct various integrated filters of the optical wavelength range. Using the perturbation theory, an electrodynamic model has been developed that describes a complex system of coupled microresonators with doubly degenerate types of natural oscillations, as well as located between two different transmission lines. General analytical expressions are obtained for describing the non-mutual characteristics of the scattering of the eigenwaves of a line on a system of optical microresonators that form a channel splitter. The frequency dependences of the scattering matrix of optical filter couplers with several communication channels are calculated. Based on the constructed analytical model, the time Green's functions are calculated for filters with serial coupling between microresonators, filters with microresonators coupled along the side wall and two transmission lines, as well as filters built on a double lattice of microresonators coupled along two transmission lines. The envelopes of optical pulses scattered by filters into various channels are considered. The envelopes of a rectangular and Gaussian single pulses scattered by 10-cavity filters of various designs are studied. The mutual influence of several rectangular as well as Gaussian pulses during their scattering by multilink optical splitters is investigated. Based on a comparison of the data obtained for the three types of structures, it is concluded that filters with laterally coupled microresonators are preferred. The obtained practical simulation results can significantly reduce the computation time and optimize complex multi-resonator structures of optical communication systems that simultaneously perform the functions of separation, or combination of channels. 

Author Biography

  • A. A. Trubin, National Technical University of Ukraine "Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute"

    Doc. of Sci. (Tech), Professor


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Electrodynamics. Microwave devices. Antennas

How to Cite

“Scattering of Optical Pulses by Add-Drop Filters on Dielectric Microresonators” (2020) Visnyk NTUU KPI Seriia - Radiotekhnika Radioaparatobuduvannia, (83), pp. 29–35. doi:10.20535/RADAP.2020.83.29-35.

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