Device of Radio Frequency Instability Measurements




radio signals, instability frequency, measuring device, frequency meter


Introduction. The instability of radio frequency is divided into two types: long-term, due to systematic frequency offset, and shortterm, which is determined by the fluctuation frequency changes. The aim of the paper is to analyze and improve existing methods and tools for digital measurement frequency instability for higher accuracy, improve performance and simplify the measurement process.
The main part. The method of frequency counter is based on measuring the number of frequency signal periods for time interval. To extend the range and improve the reliability of the measurement frequency necessary to add a control and synchronization blocks. Also it needs to add a second frequency channel and a delay line for measuring the frequency inst ability at intervals less than the period of measurement. The frequency converter is used to extend the range of measured frequencies.
Conclusion. It is proposed to use a digital device for measuring frequency instability on the basis of two-channel frequency counter, which uses a variable delay line and frequency converter, thus extending the range of measured frequencies and interval measurement frequency instability.

Author Biographies

  • V. M. Kychak, Vinnytsia National Technical University, Vinnitsa
    Doc. of Sci. (Techn), Prof.
  • P. O. Gavrasienko, Vinnytsia National Technical University, Vinnitsa
    Postgraduate student


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Theory and Practice of Radio Measurements

How to Cite

“Device of Radio Frequency Instability Measurements” (2014) Visnyk NTUU KPI Seriia - Radiotekhnika Radioaparatobuduvannia, (58), pp. 83–89. doi:10.20535/RADAP.2014.58.83-89.