Video Segments Stamping Method Saving Their Reliability in the Spectral-Cluster Space
remote video service, timeliness and reliability of video information, compression of aerial images, structural clusters, number of series of units, spectral spaceAbstract
An analysis of the peculiarities of the organization of video information support for critical infrastructure management systems is carried out. It is shown that the requirements for the completeness, timeliness and reliability of the delivery of video information are growing. The growth of demand for the organization of remote video services using technological platforms based on unmanned aerial systems (UAVs) is shown. At the same time, it requires compliance with the requirements of a number of international standards, which are put forward for the quality of providing video information. In turn, such requirements encourage the use of telecommunication systems (TCS) with the necessary level of information transmission speed. There is an imbalance for systems providing remote video services using wireless TCS on aviation platforms. It refers to the lagging of the rate of growth of TCS productivity in terms of data transfer rate relative to the rate of growth of the bit intensity of video information streams that are formed on board the UAVs. The article shows that the consequences of imbalance are the appearance of significant time delays in the process of video information delivery. Accordingly, there are losses: relevance (adequacy) of video information regarding the current state of monitoring objects; the reliability of video information. These destructions are the reason for the disruption of the decision-making process in critical infrastructure systems. Therefore, there is an urgent need to solve a scientific and applied problem, which concerns the improvement of the quality of providing remote video services using telecommunication technologies on the platform UAVs. A set of technological solutions is used to solve this problem. The main component here is the application of technologies for reducing the bit intensity of the video stream. At the same time, as shown in the article, in the process of developing such technologies, it is necessary to resolve the contradiction. It consists in the fact that the amount of psychovisual redundancy of video images is used both to localize the destructive effect of channel errors on the reliability of video images and to reduce their bit volume. Therefore, there is a contradiction between the requirements for ensuring the authenticity of video images and their timely delivery. Therefore, the implementation of remote video services using onboard TCS in the presence of interference puts forward additional requirements for technologies to reduce the bit volume of video data. Therefore, the purpose of the article is to create methods for compressing video images to reduce their bit volume while ensuring the required reliability. On the basis of a comprehensive analysis, directions for improvement of coding methods are substantiated. They concern the following aspects. First. Identification of new regularities, the consideration of which will create conditions for additional reduction of the bit volume of video segments without introducing losses regarding the reliability of the information. It will allow us to localize the destructive effect of channel errors in the process of reconstruction of video images with damaged codegrams of their compact description. Second. Form code constructions using the mode of uniform or locally uniform code formation. In accordance with this, the efficiency of encoding transformed video segments in the cluster space is substantiated. At the same time, clustering is carried out according to such a feature as the number of series of units in the binary description of their components. It is claimed that conditions are created for the clustered transformant to further reduce the amount of redundancy without a loss of information. A method of video segment compression has been developed to ensure their reliability in the spectral-cluster space. This technology is based on the principle of the duality of transformant components. It consists in the fact that the clustered component can simultaneously be considered as an element of the statistical space of the cluster and a valid structural cluster element. That is, as one of the permissible permutations with repetitions with a certain number of series of units. According to the results of experimental studies, it can be stated that when using the created method for the given levels, an increase in the level of compression compared to existing methods is achieved by an average of 40%.
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