Power distribution in the electromagnetic field. Portions of energy flows. portions energy





phase velocity of the energy flux density, phase velocity of the energy density, the concept of a portion of the energy flux density, portions of the energy density


New concepts of the phase velocity of the energy flux density, the phase velocity of the energy density, the concept of a portion of the energy flux density, portions of the energy density are introduced. The entered values shed light on the energy distribution of the electromagnetic field of a harmonic wave in space, the nature of an electromagnetic wave, the process of energy transfer by an electromagnetic wave.
The energy of an electromagnetic wave is propagated in portions (quanta, in a non-modern sense of the word). It is shown that the phase velocity is a physically understandable quantity - the speed of propagation of portions of the energy flow, energy portions. The process of energy transfer is a wave process moving with a velocity equal to the phase velocity of the field components, the Poynting vector, the energy and energy density. The flow of the Poynting vector does not arise from zero. One serving leaves (shifts in the direction of spreading), another one comes into its place.
The continuity of the energy flow should be interpreted as the continuity of the flow of portions of energy, the continuity of the flow of mean value.
The reduced results, simple from the mathematical and physical points of view, become more complicated when considering more complicated processes, for example, waves excited by a Hertz dipole.

Author Biography

  • V. I. Naidenko, National Technical University of Ukraine "Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute
    Naidenko V. I.


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Electrodynamics. Microwave devices. Antennas

How to Cite

“Power distribution in the electromagnetic field. Portions of energy flows. portions energy” (2017) Visnyk NTUU KPI Seriia - Radiotekhnika Radioaparatobuduvannia, (69), pp. 17–22. doi:10.20535/RADAP.2017.69.17-22.

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